On the road again to the Black Cross. The bikes of our Globe of death roared in the craziest festival of the world. A pure European division show with Amando Nock and Patrick, Teddy Nico and myself. We had a lot of mechanical problems with our Chinese bikes, but as I bring two extra bikes, we did the shows with 4 bikes as the festival wanted. We where glad to see Henny Kroeze again and his Wall of death. The man is more crazy than ever.
He just comes back from a bad crash with his Indian Motorcycle. The throttle blocked in full open position, he had no alternative, he hit the safety wire on the top of the wall, and crashed down, very hardly. His front arm destroyed, and has been literaly scalped. He was close to death. But Henny is here now. Respect man.
The other great moment is the FMX show by Chaos FMX. William Van Den Putte, Norman Veerbeek, and Matt Buyten where the men. And they give an exelent freestyle MX show. No joke, just three riders, but all fliped corectly, and gave the best of themselves. Ok, see you soon and dont't forget: Support Your Local division!
De retour sur la route, ca nous manquai un peu.
Nous avon eu le plaisir de retrouver notre ami Henny Kroeze et son Mur de la mort. Je coix qu'il est de plus en plus fou. Il sort d'une chute assé grave, alors qu'il roulait sur le mur de la mort, l'acelérateur est résté bloqué a fond. Il n'a pas eu d'autres choix que de se jeté sur cable de sécurité en hau du mur...
Fracture, muscle du bras araché et il a été scalpé par le cable...D'apré les coupures de presse il etait considéré come mort par les ambulanciers. Respet Henny!
Voila, on se retrouve pour un prochain report. Support Your Local Division!!
1 comment:
Super, que de bonnes nouvelles pour votre troupe!
Je vous souhaite que du bonheur pr la suite et soyez tjs prudent!
P.S: C'est génial votre blog, on peut suivre votre actu :-)
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