Dare you ride it?
In 2012, The Ministry of Bicycles built the Bomberdrome - a Bicycle Wall of Death.
This is your chance to see it in action - and for a lucky few Crowdfunders, to ride it.
Ministry mainman Bill Pollard and his friends (collectively known as The Men of Monday, because in their bike-obsessed world, Monday Night is Project Night) spent many long weeks of last year's soaking wet summer painstakingly designing and constructing the 'drome (then known as The Bowl of Harm) in a shed in Northampton they like to call The Shedquarters. Here they are outside said Shed enjoying some beer and lighthearted chuckles. Bless them.
Inspired by their DIY derring-do and gumption, not-for-profit quarterly cycling publication Boneshaker Magazine wrote a feature about the Bomberdrome project, and now the Ministry and the magazine are partnering up so that there can be a live Bomberdrome show as part of the climactic final day of the 2013 Bristol Cycle Festival, which runs from 13-21 July.
The Bristol Cycle Festival is a wonderful thing - a community-run, not-for -profit celebration of cycling that brings together hundreds of events including the UK's only cycle carnival, a ride-in cinema, adventures into the countryside, talks, workshops and silly stuff.
We'd like the Bomberdrome show to be a major part of that silly stuff.
As well as getting to marvel as the Bomberdrome boys demonstrate their death-defying stunts (well, mild-peril-defying, anyway), a lucky few Crowdfunders will have the chance to ride on the strange wooden contraption themselves and become part of the performance, using official Bomberdrome Bombers and with the help of experienced Ministry of Bicycles stuntpersons. The show will be in central Bristol on Sunday July 21 from 2pm. There are only 25 places available. Bag yours while you can - it'll make you feel like this:
Your Crowdfunding goodness will help to make this show happen – bringing a unique live performance into being and helping to make Bristol Cycle Festival the fabulous, inspiring, community-uniting thing it is. You'll also get some nice stuff to keep.
As well as offering a select few members of the public the chance to become part of the Bomberdrome show, the Ministry are producing Bomberdrome t-shirts, modelled poutily by a non-Ministry member below. These'll be available to Crowdfunders giving £15 or more.
Mmm, loving that thumbs-in-pockets look. The t-shirts will be printed to order once the pledges are in - let us know your size.
For £5 Crowdfunders, we'll give a Boneshaker illustrator postcard set, with free badges and stickers. There are six designs of cards in the set, each designed by a different illustrator for Boneshaker magazine.
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