
La vonnie Pelaquin, Indian Scout

Just one of the vintage Indian motocycles working for a living  at the Thill Arena.
Source: http://americanwallofdeath.blogspot.fr/

It might be the Indian from La vonnie Pelaquin. A beautifull woman on wheels. Read text from Samantha Morgan about La vonnie.

Vonnie came from a circus family.. and rode billed as "La Vonnie". She was 4'  10" and 90 somethin' lbs soakin' wet! She could barely touch the ground when on her Indian Scout! .
Vonnie was married to Sonny's brother Joe for a long while, and while they were together they were the best trickriding team that  anyone had ever seen - they could change bikes up on the Wall! Unfortunately, due to their “artistic” temperments, the Dromes they worked were not the most peaceful places on earth!.... 
...They had their own Lion Dromes (as did  Sonny's dad), and bred their own lions, as well as working Dromes for other  shows...
...Everyone loved Vonnie, although she was not known for having the most peaceful nature...you had to be tough...and Vonnie was!   She WAS known for  always carrying a wrench in her back pocket...and performing "attitude  adjustments " regularly

Source: http://www.thrillarena.com/index.html

La vonnie in action! Such a " LA CLASSE !! "

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